A mysterious space pirate of the future, Captain Harlock, is determined to return his death ship and loyal crew to a battered Earth, which has been declared off-limits by the intergalactic Gaia Coalition. The rogue captain comes up with an incredible plan to go back in time to rescue Earth, but that includes the destruction of everything, as it exists. A young soldier of the Gaia Coalition volunteers to go undercover on the infamous skull ship and assassinate Harlock, but he soon discovers things are not as they seem. As dark secrets of the past are uncovered, the fate of the entire universe teeters on a very thin edge.
On March 25th and 26th, grab your friends for an exclusive 3D English-language screening of Ketchup Entertainment's Harlock: Space Pirate in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, brought to you by TUGG! Check out the trailer below.
3D Screening details below:
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, 3/25 – 7:30PM
AMC Universal CityWalk 19, 100 Universal City Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, US, 91608
AMC Universal CityWalk 19, 100 Universal City Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, US, 91608
Language: English
Reserve Tickets: https://www.tugg.com/ events/13744
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, 3/26 – 7:30PM
AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA, US, 94109
AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA, US, 94109
Language: English
Reserve Tickets: https://www.tugg.com/ events/13745
New York, NY
Thursday, 3/26 – 7:30PM
Theater: AMC Loews Village 7, 66 3rd Ave., New York, NY, US, 10003
Theater: AMC Loews Village 7, 66 3rd Ave., New York, NY, US, 10003
Language: English
Reserve Tickets: https://www.tugg.com/ events/13746
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