Friday, May 25, 2012

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 35th Year Anniversary

Happy 35th Year Anniversary Star Wars!!

It is pretty amazing to believe that on this day, the one movie that would impact films forever is celebrating 35 years. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released on May 25, 1977. 

Star Wars became an instant worldwide phenomonon that would change the way visual, sound, and special effects would be made. We must thank Mr. George Lucas for creating the Star Wars Universe! With his company ILM, we have seen many incredible effects, including the newest summer blockbuster, The Avengers. All this will have to be thanks to Star Wars: A New Hope, which started it all. 

The original Star Wars Trilogy are my favorite films and everytime I watch them, I am able to live my childhood with great memories of seeing them in the theatre each and everytime he has re-released them on the big screen. I would have to say that Star Wars is my favorite toy line to ever be created and still is to this day thanks to the Hasbro Star Wars Vintage Collection. 

In the celebration of the 35th year anniversary of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, I will be fortunate to be attending the Phoenix Comicon and celebrate with many of the 501st members in attendance and others who will be dressing up in their favorite Star Wars costumes! 

Check us out during the weekend as we share our Star Wars costume pictures on our twitter @angrykoalagear, Facebook page, and of course our site!

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