Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DC Comics New 52 Is a Huge Success Attached with Some Controversy

 Tomorrow will be the final week in the release in the DC Comics relaunch of the new 52. DC Comics announced today that all 52 have sold out and are all receiving a second printing. The numbers have been incredible for DC Comics and I am sure the comic shops are loving this resurgence because it has brought in many new readers. I will be honest, it has helped us to pick up a few new comics that we had not read before to crave our curiousity and I am sure glad that we chose to do so. 

We made sure to suscribe for the more popular titles such as Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Action Comics, Wonder Woman, and a few more of the big ones, but when we walked into our local shop I needed more. What was with the New 52 on those DC covers that made them more attractive? I have definitely enjoyed most of the books we have picked up so far in the new 52 and DC Comics has sold me to now add a few more issues to my monthly subscription. The stories have been well written and the art has been amazing. They have chosen great teams to work together. 

Relaunching the DC Universe is somewhat amazing and unbelievable, but it was done right and at a perfect time. The success is always great, but there are a few problems that may sometimes arise. Out of 52 titles, there had to be a little controversy right? Is it possible to never run into one problem with this many new titles out there? Maybe so, but unfortunately, we need excitement and we need to stir up news as humans. Last week actually released 2 titles in the New 52 that stirred up the most controversy in the whole DC relaunch. 

 Catwoman #1 and Redhood and the Outlaws #1 were both released last week and Catwoman was being talked about a little while before its release already. The cover of Catwoman in itself may explain the reasons why it created a buzz. Catwoman has always been a mysterious, seductive character and her outfit fits this personality well in this new series, which may be why it has caused some controversy or a buzz in the comic world. Redhood and the Outlaws #1 on the other hand has created big controversy for DC Comics with plenty of articles and posts all because of Starfire. Starfire has always worn a lighter outfit, right? Well I guess what makes her unique in this issue is that she did have a few lines that would be very controversial, especially for DC Comics. This is a relaunch and this sometimes requires some new changes. Some may feel this is not good, but many more may feel that this is good to tie in more modern times. Either way, the success of the relaunch has been incredible and this controversy may boost it even more! We will have to wait and see what DC does with this one. 

What do you think? Will they apologize and do a few changes to Starfire? Should the readers adjust to this new change and should Red Hood and the Outlaws focus on more mature readers?

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