In the years following the events of the beloved film, Edward's gone back into hiding. But life in the sleepy suburban town around him goes on…and Megs, the granddaughter of his beloved Kim, is growing up. To her and the people around her, Edward has faded into a legend, a fable told by their grandparents. But when Edward wakes up a creature left buried, he finds he isn't the only one missing a vital piece, and Megs is the only one that can help stop what he's unleashed.
Kim’s granddaughter, Meg, grows up with Edward Scissorhands only being a legend, a bedtime story. But when weird things start to happen in her sleepy little town, it reawakens her curiously and she decides to search out for the mysterious Edward Scissorhands.
IDW Publishing's Edward Scissorhands #1 will be in stores this Wednesday, October 22nd.
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