Aspen Comics is returning to Texas for this weekend’s Alamo
City Comic Con 2013, and will be debuting several convention exclusive items
along with several popular creators. Aspen’s Frank Mastromauro (Shrugged, Overtaken), Vince Hernandez (Trish
Out of Water, Charismagic), Mark
Roslan (BubbleGun, Broken Pieces), Brian Buccellato (All New Executive Assistant: Iris, The Flash), and Paolo Pantalena (Jirni) will be appearing at the Aspen
Comics Booth #’s B6, B7 and B8 throughout the weekend.
In addition to creator appearances, Aspen is debuting two
convention exclusive comics at the show. All
New Fathom #3 will feature a special Alamo City Comic Con cover by
illustrator Siya Oum, limited to 200 copies. Aspen will also be offering an Executive Assistant: Assassins #16 ACCC
2013 cover by Pantalena and Chuck Pires, limited to 200 copies, a week early at
the show.
The publisher will also be a featuring a new release of
their industry-leading art prints including the all new Aspen Tour Print ACCC
Anniversary Edition by Ale Garza and Peter Steigerwald, limited to 50 editions,
a ACCC Soulfire print by Pantalena
and Steigerwald limited to 50 editions, a ACCC Executive Assistant: Assassins print by Pantalena and Pires limited
to 50 editions, and an ACCC Fathom
print by Siya Oum limited to 40 editions.
For more information on the Alamo City Comic Con please see:
For more information on Aspen Comics please check:
Instagram: aspencomics
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