The Chew comic series created by John Layman and Rob Guillory is one of my favorite series. The story that combines an agent who can eat anything (I mean anything) and know of its origins to a secret agent Rooster can only be successful and created by Layman and Guillory. We have attended a few Chew panels at various cons and this one probably has topped them all. We have loved hearing the updates in the series and we are nearing its halfway point with Issue #30, but the incredible news and announcements in the panel only made it even better.
San Diego Comic Con 2012 was definitely a great week for Chew fans with the release of Secret Agent Poyo #1 sold out in just 2 days.
With the great news we were able to hear before SDCC from the Chew blog, we knew we would be in for a treat from Mr. John Layman and Mr. Rob Guillory. The series gets better as it goes and the fan base seems to also increase. As we walked into the Room 8, we saw a full room.
The very first question that would be asked is where did the idea come behind Chew?
John Layman is asked each panel and he mentions how he hates the question and really can not say where the idea came from.
Because Secret Agent Poyo #1 was just released, we would need to know a little who Poyo is and what is to come in his ventures.
Earlier in the week, right before SDCC, Chew fans got some incredible news that Layman and Guillory would be collaborating with Skelton Crew Studio to bring us Chew replicas. We would learn that there would be vinyl Chogs, USDA and FDA replica badges, and Plush Poyo!! We would also get a chance to meet the man behind this awesome task, Israel Skelton, founder of Skelton Crew Studio who happens to be a Chew fan.
During the panel, John Layman and Rob Guillory would talk about the Chew series that will have a run of 60 issues and we are nearly at the halfway point. We were teased with the covers to Issues 28, 29 and 30, which will be the halfway issue that has a great wraparound cover.
Chew #28 Cover
Chew #29 Cover
Chew #30 Cover
Great questions were asked by the audience and some included whether John Layman and Rob Guillory could eat food while doing the comic and what their favorite foods were. One of the final questions that would be asked was one we probably would have asked if no one did. What is going on with the television series? We definitely got some great answers and they were not only answered by Layman and Guillory, but special guests were in the audience. We would learn that Circle of Confusion (Producers behind The Walking Dead) would also be behind the Chew series that will be on Showtime. The writer behind the Chew series was also present, Brian Duffield who would join Layman and Guillory on the panel. I will definitely be looking forward to hearing more news about the series on Showtime and I am glad to know that Brian Duffield happens to be a long time Chew fan, which will help to keep the Chew fans happy.
If you want to hear the whole panel in our podcast, here it is:
We loved the panel and hearing the great news and updates in the series and what the future holds for Chew!
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