As proclaimed at the Powered by Creators panel at Emerald City Comicon, Dark Horse Comics is set to publish The Victories, a very adult superhero adventure written and drawn by Eisner Award winner Michael Avon Oeming (Powers, Takio, Rapture).
“The Victories sucked me in by taking the postmodern ‘mature readers’ superhero story to a brand-new place, which only a serious superhero fan like Mike could deliver, but which will appeal to people like me who thought the genre didn’t have much left to offer,” said editor Scott Allie. “Every few years a book comes along to push superheroes into a new place—Watchmen did it, and Powers did it. The Victories does it in a way that’ll make people uncomfortable. Not for the faint of heart.”
Not long from now, all that will stand between you and evil are the Victories: Six heroes sworn to protect us from crime, corruption, and the dark. As one member cracks down on the violence, he discovers himself touched by a painful past through the physical powers of LINK. Will this trauma cause him to self-destruct or continue the fight?
Advance praise for The Victories:
“Mike Oeming is one of the great people and comic artists on the planet Earth. I’ve been dying for Mike to write and draw his own book for years. And here it is! If you like Powers, you will love The Victories!”—Brian Michael Bendis
The Victories #1 is on sale August 14, 2012!
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