FATALE, the crime noir with a horror twist by renowned creative team Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, and PROPHET, the relaunch of Rob Liefeld's 1990s Extreme comic, published by Image Comics, continues to be in-demand in comic book stores. Both titles will receive new printings of issues, now available for order from Diamond Comics.
The third printing of FATALE #1 and the second printing of FATALE #2 have sold out, and both issues will go back to press. The fourth printing of FATALE #1 (DEC118207) and third printing of #2 (JAN128122) will be in stores on March 21.
PROPHET #22, the second issue by relaunch team Brandon Graham and Simon Roy, has also sold out and will receive a second printing (JAN128086). It will be in stores on the same day as PROPHET #23, March 21.
PROPHET #22, the second issue by relaunch team Brandon Graham and Simon Roy, has also sold out and will receive a second printing (JAN128086). It will be in stores on the same day as PROPHET #23, March 21.
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