Monday, December 12, 2011

Brian Wood's Channel Zero Definitive Collection

Out of print and unavailable to readers for more than three years, Dark Horse Comics is giving new life to a critically acclaimed classic with the complete collection of Brian Wood’s Channel Zero!

DMZ and The Massive creator Brian Wood launched an all-out assault on the comics medium in 1997 with Channel Zero, an influential, forward-thinking series that combined art, politics, and graphic design in a unique way. Hitting on themes of freedom of expression, hacking, cutting-edge media manipulation, and police surveillance, it remains as relevant today as it did back then.

 The Channel Zero collection contains the original series; the prequel graphic novel, Jennie One (illustrated by Becky Cloonan); the best of the two Public Domain design books; and almost fifteen years of extras, rarities, short stories, and unused art. Also featuring the now-classic Warren Ellis introduction and an all-new cover by Wood, this is the must-have edition. A blistering take on media control in a repressive future America!

"Channel Zero is literally the start of my comics career, the first proper comic I ever made, and as such as informed everything that's come after it, especially DMZ and the upcoming THE MASSIVE.” Tells Brian Wood.  “It also put me and Becky Cloonan together, helping build a creative partnership that has lasted a decade.  This edition here is the definitive one, including everything worth printing, including a color section that includes the original covers to the single issues."

The Channel Zero Collection is on sale May 30th, 2012!

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