Friday, September 16, 2011

Star Wars Blu-ray Displays at Best Buy

Today, is an awesome day for Star Wars fans!! We have been waiting for this moment for a while now and the Star Wars Saga has finally come to us in high definition. I had to watch the films all the time on Spike TV, but I can now see them in Blu-ray form withoug the commercials. When Star Wars was first announced to be on Blu-ray, we knew George Lucas would do it in style and we all know that the exclusives would be abundant. Walmart had an exclusive poster with Boba Fett, Target had an exclusive lithograph set, and Best Buy had an exclusive Darth Vader t-shirt.

When Star Wars is re-released, we can always expect amazing displays. Today, I decided to see what Walmart offered, and I then went to Best Buy because I wanted the exclusive Vader shirt. I am glad that I decided to buy my set at Best Buy because I can say I have seen the best displays to come out for Star Wars ever. Mr. Lucas and Lucasfilm put the icing on the cake with Best Buys amazing setup.

There were actually a few more pieces on display, but I was blown away when I saw the two Tie Fighter displays. Simply incredible!

By the way, I did ask if they gave them away, but the associates always get first dibs on whatever promotional pieces come in. I figured I had to give it a shot. 

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