Sunday, September 25, 2011

Batman #1 Review from the DC Comics Relaunch

How many times can a superhero be recreated? They can be recreated as many times as possible as long as it is done right. Is it possible for a whole universe to be relaunched and will it work? This has been the question for a few months now, once DC Comics announced their relaunch. The DC Comics relaunch is nearly complete with the new 52 with one more week to go. It has been an incredible run so far with it  nearly being impossible to find the new issues unless you were waiting at your comic shop when the doors opened on the new release Wednesdays.

This week welcomed 12 new titles to the list, which included one of the most anticipated releases for one of the most popular characters in the DC Universe and in the comic universe period, Batman!!

Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Swamp Thing) and Greg Capullo (Spawn) will be taking the role of creating the Batman relaunch. Batman is an icon and who does not know who he is. He is a character of mystery with great power with his costume and cowl on and with his costume off as Bruce Wayne.

There may be some spoilers at this time....

Batman #1 starts off with a great intro with Batman talking about a weekly "life-style" piece called "Gotham is" in the Gotham Gazette. In this piece, Gotham residents, "Gothamites" are asked to fill in the "Gotham is" sentence using three words or less. Fans of Batman can probably fill in this piece with many lines from how much we know of Batman and what Gotham City holds in its surroundings. A great intro because it had me thinking of many ways of filling in "Gotham is" with three words or less. 

This is probably my favorite page of Batman #1. Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder tell us alot in just this title page with many of Batman's favorite challenges in Arkham Asylum, and what a classic line from Batman, "There's no place like Home".  This page also captures Greg Capullo's great style in drawing Killer Croc, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, and a few other villains.

What is Batman without capturing him in action? I have always enjoyed Greg Capullo's art style in Spawn, Creech, and Angela. He has a animation feel to his work, which allows us to see the fluidity in his action scenes.

There are some great surprises in this issue! The Joker helps Batman fight out of Arkham Asylum? How is this possible? We actually meet three past and present Robins in this issue as well with, Dick Grayson,  Tim Drake, and now Damian Wayne. Scott Snyder and Gregg Capullo were heavily at work in this first issue to introduce us to many familiar characters from Gotham City. We also learn of maybe a new villain who happens to have a very skilled "knife trick". What we will also learn in the end is a mystery, what does Dick Grayson have to do with any of this??

I really enjoyed Batman #1 and who better to do this series then the great writing and creativity from Scott Snyder and the amazing art from Greg Capullo. I am really looking forward to reading this series because they left me wanting more.

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