Thursday, August 18, 2011

DC Comics Justice League #1 Midnight Release Party at Heroes and Villains Tucson, AZ Comic Shop

Local comic book shop opens its doors at 12:00am Wednesday, August 31st in celebration of the year’s most talked-about comic book!

DC Comics, publisher of the world’s most popular superheroes (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern...and Aquaman) makes history August 31st by restarting all of its stories from scratch.

The hope is that this fresh start will embolden a new generation of readers to try DC Comics for the first time, and compel lifelong fans to follow the new beginnings of their old favorites.

The comic book community is, as they often are, extremely anxious.

To alleviate that anxiousness Heroes and Villains is opening their doors at midnight on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, August 31st so that fans can pick up JUSTICE LEAGUE #1, the first (and most anticipated) of the relaunched DC comic books, as early as is allowed by law.

Says store owner Mike Camp “As a lifelong member of the Batman Fan Club there’s no way I was going to sleep the night before this release.  And I know I’m not alone.  I figured, since we’re all going to be up anyway, we might as well turn our insomnia into something productive....or at least fun”.

In addition to Mike and his legion of pajama-clad customers, members of The Justice League Arizona (police officers, school teachers, students and medical professionals by day who masquerade as superheroes by night--mostly in the service of charity) will be on hand to make sure things don’t get too rowdy.
Heroes and Villains is located at 4533 East Broadway, Tucson Arizona, 85711, between Swan and Columbus and can be found online at

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