Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reed Gunther WANTED Poster Contest

And the Winner Is…

Hey Folks!
You may remember the Reed Gunther WANTED Poster Contest where we asked you the fans to hang a WANTED ad for Reed is your local shop for a chance to win a page of original art from Reed Gunther #1! We received some really awesome photos from some very enthusiastic fans and we appreciate everyone’s entry and help on spreading the word about Reed! (in stores this Wednesday, June 1st!)
Chris and I were going to randomly pull the winner’s name out of a hat, but we couldn’t find any hats around so we came up with something way more awesome. I threw slips of paper with everyone’s names into the air and Chris had to snatch the winner out of mid-air!
Chris’ agile little drawin’ fingers came through and snagged this winner!

Charles shops at the super awesome Heroes and Villains in comic shop in Tucson, AZ. Congratulations Charles and we hope you enjoy your newest piece of original comic book artwork!
We would just like to thank Mike Camp of Heroes and Villains Comics and Adventure of Tucson, AZ for allowing me to take the picture at the shop. A huge thank you to Chris and Shane Houghton, the creators of Reed Gunther. We had a chance to meet Chris and Shane at the Long Beach Comic Expo in April and they were great guys! We got a great sketch done as well. 

Looking forward to seeing you guys at the Image Comics booth at San Diego Comic Con

Thanks again!

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